Getting Started with the sciFLEXARRAYER


Welcome to the sciLEARNING

Join the Biocovergence Revolution

A global market leader in ultra-low volume precision dispensing and microarray. Customers in the entire life science sector benefit from an integrated product portfolio and services advancing cost-efficient multiplex analysis, miniaturization and automation – from early research to high throughput production. The sciFLEXARRAYER product line represents the perfect tool for automated ultra-low volume liquid handling of various types of samples (i.e. biological, organic, nanoparticle and dyes) in diagnostics, genomics, proteomics and technical applications. In addition, due to the inert nature of the glass capillaries, it is an ideal tool for miniaturized chemistry applications, such as in polymer and materials research.

Within seconds, liquid volumes between 300 picoliters and 100 microliters can be dispensed onto almost any target substrate.

In this course, you will be introduced to the Scienion sciFLEXARRAYER and associated PDC technology. You will receive hands-on sciFLEXARRAYER training, through predefined guided exercises. You will be provided with video tutorials for specific activities as well as lecture and guided exercises for making your way through software.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Consistently operate sciFLEXARRAYER and associated PDCs safely and effectively when performing a Run.

  • Identify the key components of the sciFLEXARRAYER and explain the core technology.

  • Effectively degas the System Liquid.

  • Start up and prime the system.

We hope you enjoy this course, but more importantly, we hope you enjoy your day! Have fun!

  • Introduction
  • Welcome to the Course
  • Getting Started - Pre-survey
  • What is a sciFLEXARRAYER
  • Introduction to the sciFLEXARRAYER
  • Contact vs. Non-contact Spotting
  • Applications
  • Wrapping Up - What is a sciFLEXARRAYER
  • PDC Handling
  • PDC Handling Overview
  • Piezo Dispense Capillary (PDC)
  • PDC Components Knowledge Check
  • PDC Coatings and Their Applications
  • PDC-Piezo Activation
  • Wrapping Up - PDC Handling
  • Preparing System Liquids
  • System Liquid Preparation
  • Why Degas & Filter?
  • System Liquids Knowledge Check
  • Wrapping Up - Preparing System Liquids
  • Starting the System
  • System Hardware - Overview
  • System Hardware - Pump Tower
  • System Hardware - Inside the Chamber
  • System Start-Up
  • Emergency Button
  • System Shutdown
  • Wrapping Up - Starting the System
  • Priming the System
  • Prime Task
  • Prime Task Instructions
  • Wrapping up
  • Cumulative Exam
  • Wrapping Up - Getting Started with the sciFLEXARRAYER
  • Getting Started - Post-survey
  • Additional Information
  • Overview Presentation
  • sciFLEX QuickStart Guide
Completion rules
  • You must complete 99.00% of the content
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever